The Office of the Chief Magistrate has three main departments under it, the Department of Administration which oversee personnel matters and the working environment by a Director and an assistant, the Department of Treasury of which oversees the financial matters of SMG by a Treasurer and 2 staff, the Department Legal Affairs that overseen by a Prosecutor. Under the Department of Administration there three divisions. A division of Public Safety supervised by a Chief Police and 16 Officers, a division of Public Works that supervised by Chief of Public Work and 7 staffs and a division of Youth and Social Affairs that operates by a Chief of Youth and Social Affairs Coordinator.
okehs Municipal Government was first governed under a charter government in 1958 and later transitioned to a constitutional government. The first elected Chief Magistrate of Sokehs was the late honorable Kalio Artui who was also the Paramount Chief (Nanmwarki) at that time. Chief Artui served from 1958-1960 and did not seek re-election. Second elected Chief Magistrate was a prominent minister, the late honorable Alfred Santo. He served from 1961-1966. The third elected Chief Magistrate was the late honorable Aliksos Alik who served from 1967-1969. The fourth elected Chief Magistate was the late honorable Francisco Kirielmo. He served from1970-1974. The fifth was the late honorable Eusepio Bermanis. He was elected and served from 1974-1975. In 1976 the late Paramount Chief (Nanmwarki) honorable Ioanis Artui was elected the 6th Chief Magistrate of Sokehs. Honorable Artui served until 1977 and did not seek re-election. In 1978 the late honorable Francisco Perman was elected the 7th Chief Magistrate and he resigned in 1979 to accept a cabinet appointment to the State government.
The late Mr. Natchuo Fredrick became the Acting Chief Magistrate in later part of 1979 and he also accepted a position at the Pohnpei Community Action Agency in early 1980. Later in 1980 the late honorable Kusto M. Lieman took up the Acting Chief Magistrate and was then elected the 8th Chief Magistrate of Sokehs in 1982. In 1985 the Sokehs Government transitioned to a constitutional government. Honorable Kusto M. Lieman served from 1982-1999. In 1999 the late honorable Richard E. Susaia was elected the 9th Chief Magistrate of Sokehs. He served from 2000-2009. In 2010 Mr. Michael T. Lieman become the 10th elected Chief Magistrate of Sokehs.
okehs Municipal Government was first governed under a charter government in 1958 and later transitioned to a constitutional government. The first elected Chief Magistrate of Sokehs was the late honorable Kalio Artui who was also the Paramount Chief (Nanmwarki) at that time. Chief Artui served from 1958-1960 and did not seek re-election. Second elected Chief Magistrate was a prominent minister, the late honorable Alfred Santo. He served from 1961-1966. The third elected Chief Magistrate was the late honorable Aliksos Alik who served from 1967-1969. The fourth elected Chief Magistate was the late honorable Francisco Kirielmo. He served from1970-1974. The fifth was the late honorable Eusepio Bermanis. He was elected and served from 1974-1975. In 1976 the late Paramount Chief (Nanmwarki) honorable Ioanis Artui was elected the 6th Chief Magistrate of Sokehs. Honorable Artui served until 1977 and did not seek re-election. In 1978 the late honorable Francisco Perman was elected the 7th Chief Magistrate and he resigned in 1979 to accept a cabinet appointment to the State government.
The late Mr. Natchuo Fredrick became the Acting Chief Magistrate in later part of 1979 and he also accepted a position at the Pohnpei Community Action Agency in early 1980. Later in 1980 the late honorable Kusto M. Lieman took up the Acting Chief Magistrate and was then elected the 8th Chief Magistrate of Sokehs in 1982. In 1985 the Sokehs Government transitioned to a constitutional government. Honorable Kusto M. Lieman served from 1982-1999. In 1999 the late honorable Richard E. Susaia was elected the 9th Chief Magistrate of Sokehs. He served from 2000-2009. In 2010 Mr. Michael T. Lieman become the 10th elected Chief Magistrate of Sokehs.
okehs Municipal Government was first governed under a charter government in 1958 and later transitioned to a constitutional government. The first elected Chief Magistrate of Sokehs was the late honorable Kalio Artui who was also the Paramount Chief (Nanmwarki) at that time. Chief Artui served from 1958-1960 and did not seek re-election. Second elected Chief Magistrate was a prominent minister, the late honorable Alfred Santo. He served from 1961-1966. The third elected Chief Magistrate was the late honorable Aliksos Alik who served from 1967-1969. The fourth elected Chief Magistate was the late honorable Francisco Kirielmo. He served from1970-1974. The fifth was the late honorable Eusepio Bermanis. He was elected and served from 1974-1975. In 1976 the late Paramount Chief (Nanmwarki) honorable Ioanis Artui was elected the 6th Chief Magistrate of Sokehs. Honorable Artui served until 1977 and did not seek re-election. In 1978 the late honorable Francisco Perman was elected the 7th Chief Magistrate and he resigned in 1979 to accept a cabinet appointment to the State government.
The late Mr. Natchuo Fredrick became the Acting Chief Magistrate in later part of 1979 and he also accepted a position at the Pohnpei Community Action Agency in early 1980. Later in 1980 the late honorable Kusto M. Lieman took up the Acting Chief Magistrate and was then elected the 8th Chief Magistrate of Sokehs in 1982. In 1985 the Sokehs Government transitioned to a constitutional government. Honorable Kusto M. Lieman served from 1982-1999. In 1999 the late honorable Richard E. Susaia was elected the 9th Chief Magistrate of Sokehs. He served from 2000-2009. In 2010 Mr. Michael T. Lieman become the 10th elected Chief Magistrate of Sokehs.
& Welcome
Office of the Chief Magistrate
The Office of the Chief Magistrate has three main departments under it. The Department of Administration which oversees personnel matters and the working environment by a Director with an assistant, the Department of Treasury of which oversees the financial matters of SMG by a Treasurer with 2 staff, and the Department Legal Affairs that administered by a Prosecutor. Under the Department of Administration there are three divisions. A division of Public Safety supervised by a Chief Police with 16 Officers, a division of Public Works supervised by a Chief of Public Work with 7 staff, a division of Youth and Social Affairs that coordinated by a Chief Coordinator and the division of Natural Resource Management coordinated by a Chief Coordinator.
Office of the Speaker
The legislative power is vested in the Sokehs Council. There shall be four Electoral Sections of Sokehs and the number of Council to represent each section shall be base on the population of local citizenship of each section. Reapportionment shall take place in every ten years after the effective date of this constitution and Official Census. The legislative body is headed by a voted Speaker from among 12 elected councilmen from 4 election sections of Sokehs. The Speaker is assisted by a Vice Speaker, a Floor leader, Chairmans of 4 major standing committees (J&GO, Finance, R&D and HESA) and 2 staff clerks. The 10th Sokehs Municipal Council.
Office of the Chief Justice
​The Judiciary branch of the Sokehs Government is headed by an appointed Chief Justice with the assistance of an appointed Associate Justice and two staff clerks.